Tag Small Business Success

National Password Day

This is a good day to ensure your passwords are layered and complex. Strong passwords are necessary for protecting your identity and your company’s information. Look into digital Password Vaults for added security and ease of use.

International Microvolunteering Day

Microvolunteering is “bite-sized, on-demand, no commitment actions that benefit a worthy cause” Challenge your team to come up with ways to microvolunteer in your community. Maybe provide them with letter writing supplies to write letters to group and senior homes…

Equal Pay Day

This day was started in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equity. The date changes every year and represents how much more women need to work into the new year to equal what a male counterpart had earned the…

World Deskfast Day

You may think we are just making things up now, but this is a real holiday that was started in the United Kingdom. This day came about to remind everyone that breakfast is still the most important meal of the…