Meith Minute

How Smart are S.M.A.R.T Goals?

The successful management of company initiatives starts with setting S.M.A.R.T goals. When we don’t set objective goals, how can we communicate properly with our team and provide focus so the company’s initiatives can be achieved? In this Meith Minute we…

Teaching Supervisor Success

In a typical work environment, the employees that are excelling at their individual job tasks may be tapped for a promotion to supervisor. But if they have never supervised anyone before, how can you help your new supervisors be successful?…

OSHA Form 300A Posting

It’s time again to post the OSHA Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A). If you are thinking: “What is the OSHA form 300A?”, “Post it where?”, “Is my company required to do this?”, then I am glad you…