Get to Know Your Customers Day

              Get to Know Your Customers Day happens quarterly and is the perfect time to get personal and learn about your customers. In this digital age, it is more important than ever to understand your customers and continue building their trust and loyalty. Find out more about what they […]

National Employee Appreciation Day

              Today came about in response to Boss's Day. Business owners can recognize that without hardworking employees, our goals would not continue moving forward. Make it a day to ensure that your employees know that they are appreciated. Some ideas to help you celebrate your employees: Start the weekend […]

National Organize Your Home Office Day

                If you work from home full time or just occasionally, this special day is here for you. Take time to clean up and get reorganized. Productivity will be improved with a neater work area.

World Backup Day

A day to remind anyone who has digital data to backup those files. Data recovery can be expensive. BACKUP YOUR DATA!

Get Organized Day

Make some time to clean up the files on your desk and get prepared for upcoming meetings and projects. Organizing your workspace helps you refocus.

National Logistics Day

Logistics: the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies. We all rely on logistics for our business success.  Engage your team by having discussions on logistical improvements that can benefit the company and your customers.