Administrative Professionals Day

Time to recognize administrative assistants, executive assistants, personal assistants, receptionists, client services representatives, and other administrative support professionals.

National Cubicle Day

Engage your team on National Cubicle Day by having Cubicle Decorating contests.

National Password Day

This is a good day to ensure your passwords are layered and complex. Strong passwords are necessary for protecting your identity and your company's information. Look into digital Password Vaults for added security and ease of use.

National Third Shift Worker’s Day

If you employ Third Shift workers, take this day to recognize their nocturnal work. Plan a meal for them during their shift, highlight their work throughout the company, or provide them with resources on how to self care for sleep disorders that are a common issue for shift workers.

National Receptionist Day

A receptionist is the gate keeper of your office and the first person that your clients encounter. Make sure to recognize them for their hard work.

International Nurses day

International Nurses Day is celebrated on the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday, the founder of modern nursing. Thank you will never be enough for all of the hard work and dedication of Nurses but start with a Thank You today.

World Facilities Management Day

Today is a day to recognize those individuals who maintain our work spaces. The Facilities Manager handles so many facets of our work space that we can take for granted. Take time to thank them for maintaining a clean, functioning and safe work environment.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

"The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) access/inclusion and people with different disabilities."  You can use this day to look through your company's website and see how hard it would be to maneuver through without a mouse or how your website is relayed with […]

Bike to Work Day

Encourage your staff to Bike to Work today. You can set up a healthy refreshments table for your team once they arrive at the office, provide secure bike lock spaces, give out prizes for best bike helmet/best decorated bike, or even let them leave early with pay so they can avoid biking during rush hour. […]

World Product Day

This day was started by Mind the Product. They aim to help raise awareness of how product management impacts the global economy. It brings together those who work in product management, from the designers and developers to the manufacturers and sellers of those products. Take time to learn more about how your business and other […]

Leave the Office Earlier Day

"Leave the Office Earlier Day is an incentive for employees to complete tasks before schedule, making a conscious effort to increase their efficiency and productivity so they can go home sooner." This day was founded by Laura Stack, a specialist in employee productivity. Help your employees identify the tasks that need to get done so […]