National Employee Appreciation Day

              Today came about in response to Boss's Day. Business owners can recognize that without hardworking employees, our goals would not continue moving forward. Make it a day to ensure that your employees know that they are appreciated. Some ideas to help you celebrate your employees: Start the weekend […]

National Organize Your Home Office Day

                If you work from home full time or just occasionally, this special day is here for you. Take time to clean up and get reorganized. Productivity will be improved with a neater work area.

National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

I don't think I need to explain this one. Ensure that there is guidance ahead of time to cover the definition of pajamas and clear expectations.

World Creativity and Innovation Day

This special day is a global UN day to raise awareness about the importance of creativity and innovation in problem solving of 'global goals' also known as sustainable development goals. Engage your team into brainstorming how day to day tasks could be changed to a more sustainable method.

National Cubicle Day

Engage your team on National Cubicle Day by having Cubicle Decorating contests.

National Third Shift Worker’s Day

If you employ Third Shift workers, take this day to recognize their nocturnal work. Plan a meal for them during their shift, highlight their work throughout the company, or provide them with resources on how to self care for sleep disorders that are a common issue for shift workers.

National Receptionist Day

A receptionist is the gate keeper of your office and the first person that your clients encounter. Make sure to recognize them for their hard work.

Bike to Work Day

Encourage your staff to Bike to Work today. You can set up a healthy refreshments table for your team once they arrive at the office, provide secure bike lock spaces, give out prizes for best bike helmet/best decorated bike, or even let them leave early with pay so they can avoid biking during rush hour. […]

Take Back the Lunch Break Day

We all know that it is easy to get caught up in work and lunch breaks get shorter and shorter. Take this opportunity to get your team out of the office for a proper lunch break so that everyone can recharge their batteries. Plan a picnic or a relaxing meal away from the office for […]