National Grammar Day

This would be a good time to review your websites and other marketing materials. The day's motto is: “It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!”

Equal Pay Day

This day was started in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equity. The date changes every year and represents how much more women need to work into the new year to equal what a male counterpart had earned the previous year. And this date doesn't just vary from year to year but also by […]

International Microvolunteering Day

Microvolunteering is “bite-sized, on-demand, no commitment actions that benefit a worthy cause” Challenge your team to come up with ways to microvolunteer in your community. Maybe provide them with letter writing supplies to write letters to group and senior homes to brighten their resident's days, or teach your staff about available microvolunteering apps like Be […]

National Third Shift Worker’s Day

If you employ Third Shift workers, take this day to recognize their nocturnal work. Plan a meal for them during their shift, highlight their work throughout the company, or provide them with resources on how to self care for sleep disorders that are a common issue for shift workers.

World Facilities Management Day

Today is a day to recognize those individuals who maintain our work spaces. The Facilities Manager handles so many facets of our work space that we can take for granted. Take time to thank them for maintaining a clean, functioning and safe work environment.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

"The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) access/inclusion and people with different disabilities."  You can use this day to look through your company's website and see how hard it would be to maneuver through without a mouse or how your website is relayed with […]

Leave the Office Earlier Day

"Leave the Office Earlier Day is an incentive for employees to complete tasks before schedule, making a conscious effort to increase their efficiency and productivity so they can go home sooner." This day was founded by Laura Stack, a specialist in employee productivity. Help your employees identify the tasks that need to get done so […]

Social Media Day

Use this day to spread company news on social media. Share positive stories and triumphs about employees. Explore new social platforms and ways to reach new customers.  

System Administrator Appreciation Day

SysAdmins work behind the scenes keeping our tech up to date and functional. Keeping our networks running and free of viruses. Recognize them for all of the work they do keeping the rest of us moving ahead. Also, use this day to turn your device off and then back on before you call them to […]