Today came about in response to Boss's Day. Business owners can recognize that without hardworking employees, our goals would not continue moving forward. Make it a day to ensure that your employees know that they are appreciated. Some ideas to help you celebrate your employees: Start the weekend […]
This would be a good time to review your websites and other marketing materials. The day's motto is: “It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!”
If you work from home full time or just occasionally, this special day is here for you. Take time to clean up and get reorganized. Productivity will be improved with a neater work area.
Treat your mind right by packing yourself a healthy lunch for your workday. Encourage your teams participation by having a "Decorated Paper Bag Contest" with healthy snacks as prizes for the winners.
Companies That Care Day is centered around caring for your employees and your community. It was founded by The Center for Companies that Care back in 2003 to define and promote socially responsible employers. Take the time today to show your employees that you care, find ways that your company can get involved in the […]
This day was started in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equity. The date changes every year and represents how much more women need to work into the new year to equal what a male counterpart had earned the previous year. And this date doesn't just vary from year to year but also by […]